Recipes Blog — Smokey Pepperleaf Texas Spiced Rub

Summer BBQing with Outback Spirit Spiced Rubs

Summer BBQing with Outback Spirit Spiced Rubs

Sometimes the most difficult thing about cooking a meal in summer, after a hot and tiring day, is thinking a) what you can cook and b) what you can cook that won't turn you into a complete hot mess. I humbly offer a few good standby ideas for skewers (or brochettes if you want to be fancy) to cook on the barbie - take that hot cooking outside and hand it over to the chief BBQ master. Our Spiced rubs can be used in a multitude of ways but seasoning these skewers is a no brainer.

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Smokey  Pepperleaf Spiced Lentils with Potato, Pumpkin and Bacon

Smokey Pepperleaf Spiced Lentils with Potato, Pumpkin and Bacon

A very pleasing and rustic dish that delivers deep flavours and the smoke and spice is from our Spiced Texan BBQ & Pepperleaf Rub. This is one of those dishes that really develops if left overnight and eaten the next day as the herbs and spices have time to infuse fully into the dish. It also may seem a little soupy when first made but it thickens up overnight. Such a great dish if you're expecting family or friends and want to get ahead!  Make it vegan by simply removing the bacon.   serves 6 8 cups stock (your choice)...

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